Thursday, August 14, 2008

Big Plans - Rich's Plans

I have a neighbour with whom I witness and judge rock and electronica shows. Let's call him Rich.

Rich is very anal, like me. He works well with computers, can be alone and productive for extended periods of time, and has a lot of opinions. I like this about him. He also has a lot of opinions about what a band should be like, and I agree with each and every one of them. I would like to take this opportunity to expand on a subset of his opinions:

  1. No roadie shall be employed to setup our equipment. We work with precision equipment that must be handled to our specifications. No employee could ever attain the level of perfection that we expect. As such, it is our duty, to ourselves, to personally carry our own guitars, synthesizers, amplifiers, and cables to and from our convoy of tour busses to the stage, and connect things in the appropriate manner. We take pleasure from this.
  2. No way in hell will we ever charge the kind of prices that very old bands with magazines named after them charge for tickets. Sure, they have a few hits and have influenced a few bands, but is it really necessary to gouge the poor college students who worship us? The answer is no. No ticket shall cost more than $35.00 to our show. If we have to, we will play every night for 4 weeks at a single venue. Our fans are important to us.
  3. Power down. Upon leaving the stage amidst deafening roars of applause, care must first be taken to power down all amplifying equipment. We paid good money for this fine equipment that we have come to love....we must treat it right. Plus, it is a signal to our ever-engaged audience that, yes, we will only perform 3 encores.
  4. More is better. We like what the band Shout Out Out Out Out have done, with their cornucopia of bassy and drummy goodness, and we think that the more sound that you can throw at an audience, the more likely they are to discover a new god. That god will be us.
  5. Turntables are cool. The people who we've witnessed dj-ing have done things that seem amazing. We don't currently understand what those things are, but we like them. We may contract someone to perform DJ work for us, but probably not until our 2nd or 4th album.
Rich is like me - he has potential, plans galore, but no time. One day we will collaborate on a project that will produce a miracle. I can see the Nobel Peace prize awarded and, depending on how much bass we put into our premier album, the Nobel Physics prize.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"If we have to, we will play every night for 4 weeks at a single venue."

You know we will. You know we will.