Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Big Plans

I think I'm an idea man. Oh sure, I can implement, and I possess many of the antisocial anal qualities necessary to allow me to spend time by myself, and do a thorough job of something. But when it comes to my rock or electronica band.....I tend to be in a constant state of planning.

When I see another good band playing live, I never fail to be inspired. I write parts of songs, in my head, during and after the show. I have the theatrics all thought out, the signature moves, etc. I don't currently have a band, or anything. I could, I have friends who want to be in a band. It is just all of that other life that gets in the way. The family, work, and laziness.

But one day, when I have time to rock.....I'll blow the doors off of somebody.


Anonymous said...

You already blows the door off of me.

meddler said...

Thanks babe. But I know that already.