Saturday, October 4, 2008

Experimentation - many tracks

My Babe is not at home. She is away for the weekend. Hoo-hoo-hoo, when the cat is away, the mice will play!!!!!! Well, in my case, that means spending a lot of time, by myself, with my small amount of gear and software, tweaking.

What seems clear to me now is probably obvious to most - writing music is hard. That is why I'm not writing music - I'm making shit up as I go along.

Take some famous musicians from history - say - Beethoven. I doubt that he laid down some tracks, saw how they sounded, and then layered. I'm sure his music creation process, ISO certified, was different. He probably wrote music from the ground up, with a pen, on paper. I can imagine doing that, a bit, if I had more time. I have no time.

Given all of that, I produced track 2 of the Rarities and B-Sides album, to be released sometime after 2016.

Since Babe is away, I had to switch my gear to the desktop computer, which meant a new installation of Ableton Live demo. I will buy this product at some point - I like it - and I like the virtual instruments. Everything in this little song is virtual instruments that Ableton Live provides optionally - except for the drum tracks which are from my Korg Electribe R mkII. Figuring out how to get the different patterns synced properly into Ableton was at first a challenge, until I decided to create a song on my Korg, import that into Ableton, and then splice it so that the patterns were consistent with time. Importing pattern-at-a-time, using my fingers as the on/off, meant that they were offset minutely. I'm sure the software would allow me to correct that, but I don't know it very well.

The rest of this tune is several tracks of virtual instruments. I created a few patterns, and then repeated them for the different verses/choruses of the song. It isn't great, but it is an output.

Next step is to buy a mic, record the piano, and Babe singing, and we'll see what magic happens.

Song is at this link:


Unknown said...

I like it... seems a little disorganized at times, a few spots where it seems like things aren't quite aligned, kinda like when the audio and video are a bit out of sync on tv... but overall, I enjoyed it.

meddler said...

Indeed, it is disorganized. I spent the first third of my time trying to get the drum tracks to sound proper, and the rest trying to create the song. I'm never satisfied with it after the couple of hours of recording, but its a hobby.

Mike and Diane said...


I really didn't expect to enjoy your music, given our differing ages and significantly different musical backgrounds, but this is AWESOME. It grew a little repetitive near the latter part of the middle (I don't know how to describe it better), but the basic beat and the lyrics were really intriguing.

I really enjoyed this. Thank you.